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Exam: 412712RR - The Human Resource Environment

1. Which of the following terms describes the best possible fit between a company's social system and its
technical system?
A. Outsourcing
B. High-performance work system
C. Self-service system
D. Total quality management
2. The processing and transmission of digitized HR information, especially using computer networking and
the Internet, is known as
A. reengineering.
B. human resource information system implementation.
C. electronic human resource management.
D. e-business.
3. Which of the following occupations is projected to add the most jobs before 2016?
A. Registered nurses
B. Janitors
C. Office clerks
D. Postsecondary teachers
4. Which of the following is a true statement about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
A. The act applies to organizations with 15 employees or more.
B. The act prohibits employers from discriminating against workers due to their age.
C. The act protects employers from employee threats.
D. The act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor.
5. Self-managing teams are likely to be more efficient if the
A. demand for a particular activity remains the same for the entire duration of the project.
B. team members can perform different skills associated with various tasks.
C. authority to make decisions remains with the manager.
D. team members are assigned tasks that are repetitive.
6. Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate when gathering information for jobs that
are repetitive and involve physical activity?
A. A job analyst visits the workplace and videotapes an employee performing the job.
B. A manager imagines what a well-done job would look like.
C. A job analyst questions the peers about a particular job.
D. A job analyst visits the workplace and asks employees to show what the job entails.
7. People's right to freedom of speech is the right to
A. do as they wish in their private life.
B. refuse to do something that's environmentally unsafe.
C. criticize an organization's ethics if they do it in good conscience.
D. be treated only as they knowingly and willingly consent to be treated.
8. For which of the following occupations would it be easiest to implement telework?
A. Machine operator
B. Quality management
C. Production technician
D. Graphic designer
9. Which of the following is a false statement about the Position Analysis Questionnaire?
A. It requires trained job analysts to complete it.
B. It's one of the broadest and best-researched instruments for analyzing jobs.
C. It describes specific duties and tasks that comprise the actual job.
D. It's a standardized, commercial instrument.
10. What is the goal of ergonomics?
A. Reducing the memorization required by the job
B. Reducing the physical strain on employees
C. Reducing the complexity of the job
D. Increasing meaningfulness of the job
11. Which of the following is a true statement about the composition of the U.S. labor force during the next
A. The largest proportion of the labor force is expected to be in the 16- to 25-year age group.
B. The labor force is expected to grow at a greater rate than at any other time in U.S. history.
C. In spite of the growing number of young workers, the overall workforce will be aging.
D. For the first time ever, the number of workers under 40 years of age will exceed the number of workers 40 years of age or
12. Which of the following is a correct statement about dejobbing?
A. Dejobbing involves the use of task-based organization structures.
B. Dejobbing involves emphasizing on detailed job descriptions which will be applicable year after year.
C. Dejobbing involves viewing organizations as a field of work to be done.
D. Dejobbing involves the downsizing or elimination of jobs.
13. Which of the following is a false statement about the performance management process?
A. In some organizations, employees evaluate their own performance, and often, peers and subordinates participate, too.
B. Performance measures may emphasize either observable behaviors or outcomes, or both.
C. When the person evaluating performance isn't familiar with the details of the job, specific behaviors tend to be easier to
evaluate than outcomes.
D. The evaluation may focus on the short term or long term and on individual employees or groups.
14. One of the most common grievances that employees at Craines Tech have is that they don't get
performance feedback. That is, they don't get proper information as to how they've performed and where
they need to improve, and the performance goals are vague and not measurable. Which HR function does
Craines Tech need to improve?
A. Employee relations
B. Training and development
C. Performance management
D. Recruitment and selection
15. Why do complaints of age discrimination grow when the economy is slow?
A. Companies try to save labor costs by laying off older workers.
B. Older employees provide a tremendous pool of potential.
C. Companies are forced to retain their best talent during times of recession.
D. Companies try to provide more opportunities to younger workers.
16. Which of the following refers to the KSAOs that an individual must have to perform the job?
A. Dictionary of Occupational Titles
B. Job descriptions
C. Job analysis
D. Job specifications
17. Which of the following categories of workers is not covered under OSHA's Hazard Communication
A. Production engineers manufacturing car batteries
B. Health-care workers exposed to latex and disinfectants
C. A technician servicing copy machines for most of the day
D. A receptionist changing the toner in a copier machine
18. Which of the following cases would most likely be filed under the theory of disparate impact?
A. Black applicants are being disproportionately rejected relative to whites by a paper-and-pencil test.
B. A black employee is fired for testifying in a discrimination suit filed against an employer.
C. White applicants with high test scores are rejected due to an affirmative-action plan.
D. A white applicant is told he won't be hired because the employer doesn't like whites.
19. Which of the following is a correct statement about the Americans with Disabilities Act?
A. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to have a minimum of 15 percent of the workforce to be people with
B. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to take steps to accommodate people with disability so that they can
perform their duties without difficulty.
C. The Americans with Disabilities Act covers people who took mitigating measures that allow them to perform major life
activities with no difficulty.
D. The Americans with Disabilities Act covers disabilites such as obesity and drug abuse.
20. The largest number of immigrants to the U.S. workforce are from
A. Europe.
B. Africa.
C. North America.
D. Asia.