Project overview
After giving private piano lessons from her home for several years, Yuka Koyama founded the PineHillMusicSchool in Portland, Oregon. Because of her popularity as a music teacher, Yuka attracted top-notch students, and her school quickly established a reputation for excellence. During the past two years, other qualified teachers have joined Yuka to offer instruction in voice, violin, cello, guitar, percussion, and other instruments. As her school continues to grow, Yuka wants to use Access to keep track of information about students, teachers, and contracts. You’ll help Yuka create and maintain an Access database to store data about her school.
NP_Access2010_T1_CP1a_FirstLastName_1.accdb (Note: Download your personalized start file from
1. Open the file NP_Access2010_T1_CP1a_FirstLastName_1.accdb and save the file as NP_Access2010_T1_CP1a_FirstLastName_2.accdb by clicking the "Save Database As" command in Backstage view. (Note: Verify that your name appears in the first record in the _SAMProjects table before you begin. If it does not, then please download a new copy of the start file from the SAM Web site.)
2. Create a new table. In Datasheet view for the new table, rename the default primary key ID field to TeacherID. Change the data type of the TeacherID field to Text.
3. Add the following five fields to the new table in the order shown; all of them have Text data types except HireDate, which has a Date & Time data type: FirstName, LastName,Degree, School, and HireDate. Save the table as Teacher.
4. Enter the records shown below in the Teacher table.
TeacherID | FirstName | LastName | Degree | School | HireDate |
55-5310 | Doug | Upgrave | BA | Lewis & ClarkCollege | 4/21/2012 |
13-1100 | Yuka | Koyama | MM | PacificUniversity | 1/13/2012 |
17-1798 | Richard | Jacobson | PhD | PacificUniversity | 1/15/2012 |
22-0102 | Andre | Dvorak | BM | University of Portland | 3/3/2012 |
34-4506 | Marilyn | Schwartz | BM | University of Portland | 5/1/2012 |
5. Yuka created a database named School that contains a Faculty table with teacher data. The Teacher table you created has the same design as the Faculty table. Copy all the records from the Faculty table in the “support_NP_A10_T1_CP1a_School.accdb” database and paste them at the end of the Teacher table in the current database. (The file “support_NP_A10_T1_CP1a_School.accdb” is available from the SAM Web site.)
6. Resize the width of the School column so the width value is 20.375, and then save the Teacher table and close it. To change the column width, click right-click on the column’s title and choose the ‘Field Width’ option from the menu. In the Column Width window, you will be able to enter an exact width value for the School column.
7. Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query that includes the FirstName, LastName, and HireDate fields (in that order) from the Teacher table. Name the query StartDate, and then close the query.
8. Use the Form tool to create a form for the Teacher table. Save the form as TeacherInfo, and then close it.
9. Use the Report tool to create a report based on the Teacher table. Save the report as TeacherList, and then close it.
Compact and repair the database, and exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM Web site to submit your completed project