A personal narrative (or an essay in general) isn’t generally written for the sake of recording an

1. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

a. Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits.

b. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.

c. Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.

d. Analyze the best way to buy a car, mow a lawn, or prepare a meal.

e. Describe a memorable day in your life.

A personal narrative (or an essay in general) isn’t generally written for the sake of recording an event or explaining a procedure. Instead, it’s used to explore generalizations, recall experiences, or interpret experiences on a personal level. Besides relating a series of events, a personal narrative may also

■ Reveal a personal insight or unique personal understanding about the experience or the people involved

■ Expose a personal conflict or problem that may or may not be solved within the confines of the essay itself

■ Reveal a personal change achieved through struggle, growth, or choice Since you’ve lived to high school age, you surely have something to write about, a story that others can relate to that you would be willing to tell. Whether or not it’s something that you think is exciting or socially relevant may be another story altogether, but the fact remains that you do have topics that you can write on. An excellent example is how and why you’ve come to an online learning institution in pursuit of your high school diploma.

The key to this particular assignment is to choose a topic that interests you, one that you feel comfortable sharing with an audience. Perhaps the following suggestions might spark some ideas.

■ Some experiences may initially seem trivial and insignificant, but prove in time to be important to your life’s journey or to the development of your personality. Present one of these experiences from your life so that it gives the audience a sense of how your life was changed.

■ First-time experiences tend to be especially memorable.

Think about the first time you rode a bicycle, went skiing, went to an amusement park, went on a date, attended school, went on vacation, and so on. What was special about this particular event that still stands out in your mind? What did you think? How did you feel? Show your

audience why this first-time experience was special enough to you to remain in your memory